Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fawn Lilly

I took a walk into the woods.
Searching  for what ,
I am not sure.
I came across a nice little mossy spot.
I laid my weary body down.
How long I slept ,
I am not sure.
When I awoke,
I was looking at Fawn Lilly
Looking back at me.

I am not sure,
But I don't think this pretty little face was here upon lying down.
Did I sleep so long,
For this to grow ?
I am not sure.

I am lying here,
I smell the sweet smell of moss,
Of woods, of  Fir trees,
I am not sure ,
But it must be,
I smell the Fawn Lilly.

I am not sure.
I feel you looking down upon me.
It must be you,
I feel you in the moss,
The Fir trees .
Singing and dancing in among the woods.

Fawn Lilly you watched over me while I slept.
I am sure.
I woke to quickly ,
And I caught you.
Is the magic gone now ?
I am sure.

      I took this picture on Sunday  May 22, 2011. Went out for a little ride . Went up a dirt road and found a little patch of these Fawn Lillie's . I thought they were pretty so I snapped a couple of pictures. This is the one I wanted to share with you. I am not sure what would come from my mind to my fingers when I sat down .
      I like it. I have not wrote a poem in years. I know that at least one of my friends will know what this is about in a round about way. that it for whatever it is to you. I hope you enjoyed it. I do.

Till my next talking , Peace and Happiness .

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