Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fawn Lilly

I took a walk into the woods.
Searching  for what ,
I am not sure.
I came across a nice little mossy spot.
I laid my weary body down.
How long I slept ,
I am not sure.
When I awoke,
I was looking at Fawn Lilly
Looking back at me.

I am not sure,
But I don't think this pretty little face was here upon lying down.
Did I sleep so long,
For this to grow ?
I am not sure.

I am lying here,
I smell the sweet smell of moss,
Of woods, of  Fir trees,
I am not sure ,
But it must be,
I smell the Fawn Lilly.

I am not sure.
I feel you looking down upon me.
It must be you,
I feel you in the moss,
The Fir trees .
Singing and dancing in among the woods.

Fawn Lilly you watched over me while I slept.
I am sure.
I woke to quickly ,
And I caught you.
Is the magic gone now ?
I am sure.

      I took this picture on Sunday  May 22, 2011. Went out for a little ride . Went up a dirt road and found a little patch of these Fawn Lillie's . I thought they were pretty so I snapped a couple of pictures. This is the one I wanted to share with you. I am not sure what would come from my mind to my fingers when I sat down .
      I like it. I have not wrote a poem in years. I know that at least one of my friends will know what this is about in a round about way. that it for whatever it is to you. I hope you enjoyed it. I do.

Till my next talking , Peace and Happiness .

Friday, May 13, 2011

Chatting Over Coffee Friday

  Hello my friends, today is chatting over coffee Friday, So who is going to join me in a big old cup of Joe? the cup is old , not the coffee.
   It has been a good week for me . My brother was down for a couple of days , enjoyed a visit with him and his wife. They brought down a big ham and we had a great meal with that . Then watched a good movie. As I said nice visit.
   I want to say while I am thinking about it. I posted on Wednesday about cows. And I want to say I like cows, I think calves are cute, and sometimes they are cute when they grow up. I love steak, hamburger, ribs, milk, ice cream, etc.... So you see I don't hate cows and wish they were wiped off the face of the planet. I am just saying I don't want to raise anymore. I did have nice smooth skin after my mud bath. I just didn't enjoy it at the time.
   My summer dress still has not come in yet. That's what happens sometimes when you order it over the Internet. But now I must look up and try to find a new swimsuit. Put the old one on and where there was suppose to be solid cloth ,guess what , it was paper thin. My girls were showing through. Now the men in the pool may not have minded, but I am pretty sure that it might upset their wives. I know I was upset when I looked in the mirror. Thinking on getting one of the jogger style ones. Just a thought.
    Another good think that happened this week , is a dear friend of mine got in touch with me , now I just have to remember to answer her email. I have been to my email a few times, I even got her new email address down in my book. But when I start to write , I am called to the phone, to the girls room, run out of coffee, the dog wants attention, then when I get back I forget what I was doing and go look at crochet patterns. I get lost easily. Anyway I promise you Deann I will get back to you and I am so happy you got in touch.
     My advise for the week. Never ever take pepto-bismol with ice tea. It is a guarantee to make you puke.

    Question: Have I ever dated a different nationality?
Wow what a question.  Okay here I go.

In grammar school and high school, I dated a couple of squirrels
My first marriage was to the Rabbit from , Monty Phyton's  " In search of the holy grail."
After my divorce , I dated a fish, a skunk, and  E.T.'s brother,  Micheal , { form  the movie Halloween} used a handgun and a sharp stick on that one.
Then there was a Java man. Way to prehistoric for me.
But best of all I married Big Foot.
Does that answer your question G. ?

Till my next talking, Peace and Happiness

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Done Deal

  I was talking to mom, about her plans for around here. She wants to put in a garden, fine we can do that. Hubby went and picked up a rototiller from my brother. Garden.Done deal.
     Then she says she is thinking about raising a calf. She has always wanted one to raise. So I don't see why not. We got the pasture already fenced off, so no problem. Then she say she is thinking about going to see my sister in CA. I start to say fine. When the thought comes to me , that while she is gone I will have to take care of the calf.
   The memory of my last great Cow escape came to my mind  like a headache you get from drinking your ICY to fast.

    Hubby was back East on a job, which left me in charge of HIS cows. Oh what joy and fun this would be.(WRONG).I went out to sit on the porch for a little sun. I look out into the front yard and thought " those cows look to be on the wrong side of the pond". Well guess what , they were. So I start to chase them back inside . I ask you now how were they to get back in without the gate being opened?
   So back to the house I go , out the back door and open the gate. Back out to the cows, and the cows run to the other end where the gate isn't opened. I had enough of cow chasing, so "BING" I get this great idea of getting on the Quad and rounding them up like a real Montanan. So I jump on Hubby's quad. I herded the cattle like I was born to it. Got them back in and both gates closed. Done deal.
  You ask what was so hard or awful about that. Well hang on I am not done yet.
   Most of you know I have a real bad back and hip. And the earlier foot chase did me in. I knew I had to check the fence for where they got out at and  check that nothing was touching the hot wire and shorting it out. Aha "BING" back on hubby's quad to check the fence. I drive out and see where the hot wire is touching. " Well I can fix this without getting off the quad." I reach over and grab that wire, And " BANG" that thing knocked me out of the saddle. Why didn't someone tell me to make sure that it was unplugged first.
   So I crawled back up onto the seat, drove over , cause I sure wouldn't be able the walk now, I was barely thinking. Off it goes, okay cool I go back out . Ride the fence line with a piece of plastic pipe to fix any more hot wires. I knew I turned it off, but why take the chance. Over the very muddy ditch , did I mention that it was deep? It was deep. Had to really gas it to get through it. I made it. The fence Is good and I started back over, the very deep muddy ditch and gassed it. Wheels spinning and mud flying . I WAS STUCK. OK think, "BING" I will go get my quad , wrench out Hubby's with it. done deal.
  I stepped off the quad and sunk up past the top of my muck boots, which came to my knees. I tried and tried to get out of that mud with boot still on my foot, not happening. So I sort of threw myself on dry land. Ha, you trying throwing this chubby body around. Landed in mud. So I crawled to dry land and lay there.  I will just stay right here till I rested up in about 2hrs. I lay there and closed my eyes, thinking how good those cows were going to taste. I felt a hot blast of cow breath on my face, opened my eyes, and there they were. Standing over me. Looking at me like I might taste good. You would have been so proud of how fast I got this chubby body up.
   Limped back to house, took all my clothes off and sprayed the mud off. I threw on a house dress, called a friend to come get quad out. He did, he left, I went and laid downed.

   So I look at mom and say, " In no way are you getting a calf!!!"   Done deal.

Till my next talking, Peace and Happiness.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


 Hi every one , ITS FAT HAT TUESDAY!!!
And I am finally on time on my Tuesday 's posting. This is one of the hats I have crocheted.
I love a good hat.
      So now that the sun is finally shining here , I feel like having a tea party. You know , like Mad Hatter tea party. All women , crazy hats, those cute little sandwiches cut into cute little shapes. Stuffed full of, olives,ham, little cheeses, oh and lots and lots of little cakes. OK you got me , BIG cakes. and yummy tea, cold, hot, and luke warm.
   Where all of us women sit around and talk about the women who didn't come to my tea party, and laughing till tea comes out my nose. I know that some of you have actually seen that happen to me, and I have seen the same on you. You know who you are , {Lisa}. Ha, Ha!
   I would even wear my summer dress with my rain boots. But alas my dress hasn't got here yet. But when it does , tea party my house.
   Who's coming and what's you thoughts on tea, sandwiches and cakes. Lets do it!!!

Till my next talking, Peace and Happiness