Friday, September 30, 2011

Chatting Over Coffee Friday

   Well here it is Friday and I have decided to take some time to Talk to my clouds.
A lot has been going on this past summer, some good ,some not so good. Guess I can share it all.

On the fourth of July had BBQ planned , had nice spot to watch neighbors fireworks, ( front  porch swing ) with family. Ma,Marty ,Me ,dogs. Ma woke up not felling well that morning . By 1:00 pm we called a friend of ours to come check her out. (EMT from Victor Fire) she came and said lets go to the hospital. Off into the ambulance she went. Ma said the she was treated like a queen on the ride in, and at the hospital, great staff.
We all thought it was her heart , it was not, just really bad stress. She came home on her birthday the 6th . Had something planned but I put that aside when she went in and never got the time to carry through with that. So she had a cupcake with 1 candle in it. My brother and sister -in-laws were here. So we sang happy birthday to her, she was happy to be here for her 84th birthday . She is doing good now. We did Marty and I and Bruno watched the fireworks, no BBQ saving the ribs for Ma.

   On July 21 my Marty went to the hospital , he was in so much pain , I drove him and it felt like I was only going 25mph when I was doing faster then that by a lot. Anyway got him there and after a EKG, Ultrasound, Lab work and a MRI ,the Dr. said it was he gallbladder and that it needed to come out before they would let him come home. I told them that when we first got to the ER. anyway 3 days later gallbladder out , he came home next day and he was fine and is fine.
     During Marty's hospital stay our nephew Jason came up with his daughter my sweet Skyler. So they spent time in the hospital with me visiting Marty. I must say Skyler was as good as gold while she was in there. Just love her. Jason went and picked Marty up on that Monday and Marty went back to lite duty work on Wednesday. Jason and I bummed around and just had fun. He was a great help to me and comfort. Thank You Jason , I love you. Skye  and I and Ma watched cooking show at night and played. I can't watch a cooking show without thinking about her. I miss you Skye, I love you.
   I went and had a blood test done and found out my Thyroid is not working and needed more med's and needed them now. which explains alot. Anyway I am doing better now. This new stuff is from a Pigs thyroid.So if I look different next time you see me you will now know why.

   Had our friend Randy up for two weeks. He went home last Friday.  He did some hunting and just stuff while he was here. It was so good to see him, time went by fast.

     I did go to a Pow wow with some friends of ours. It was so good to go and listen to the Singers and watch the dancers. I sure miss Pow Wows and singing. If I make it to Calif. This year you all better set me up with a drum, and a song or two. The friends I went to the Pow Wow with have 2 daughters , that I must say are just beautiful girls, inside and out. They are not little girls, the youngest I think is around 14yrs and the other I am going to say is 20. Anyway just wanted to let you all know I had a good time with the McKee family  and Dad. Looking forward to next year.

   Okay before I close let me tell you something  funny. I have a 3yr old grandson I call Sonny Boy.  My daughter Paulina called and told me this today. And I had to share it with you all.
   Paulina and her Hubby with Sonny went over to the mother-in-laws house and she has chickens, so Paulina locks all gates and tells Sonny not to chase the chickens , he is boy and boys do what boys do. He caught a chicken, ( Paulina failed to tell him not to catch a chicken, just not to chase them) . She went to look for him and when she saw him he had the chicken cradled in his arms like a baby. She asked him what he was doing and he told her the chicken was sleeping. Paulina looked at the chicken and it looked back at her with its beading chicken eyes as if to say, "I hate you for bringing him here". She saw that the chicken was fine, and she got called to do something before she could deal with Sonny, when she went to help the chicken he was no longer where she left him. She went looking and found him and the chicken laying in her mother -in-laws bed. Sonny had his head on the pillow and the chicken had its head on the pillow, Sonny was pretending to be asleep making little snoring sound, she went to get the camera and when she got back he and the chicken were sitting on the side of the bed.
 Had to stop and wipe the laughing tears from my eyes. This my friends is a good note to end on.

So till next talking , Peace and Happiness.