Monday, January 21, 2013

Five Question Friday

                                            Five Question Friday

1. If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 books, movies, people and foods would you take along?

Books. All 3 of my Jimmy Buffett  books.(Island stuff there) It by Stephen King, because it takes me forever to read . That is one book that really scares me. Webster Dictionary. might as well learn some new words.
Movies. Jaws, Forrest Grump, Oh Brother,Orient Express,Creature from the black lagoon.
 People   Wow , I guess my husband, Cody Lundean (need someone to build the fire) My brother Jim (he is a good fisher) my nephew Bo, ( cause he can climb trees like a monkey) my dog porkchop just cause, Bobby Flay( need someone to cook for me).
Food. Everything to cook southwest food. Black tea,apples,sunflower seeds, chicken.

2. What is your thought on year round school?
  Love it. 

3. What is your most embarrassing potty story? (Can't be one of your kids' potty stories either!) Hee Hee! This cracks me up and stems from a HILARIOUS twitter conversation...
   Went camping with my hubby 25 years ago , we were hiking up some mountain trail, and I had to go....BAD.... so I stepped off the trail and found a nice spot behind a tree, I could not see my hubby so I thought no one on the trail could see me. WRONG , just as I got my pants down , some hikers came up behind me, lets just say they got mooned big time. They started laughing witch when I heard them it  scared me and I fell back down into the puddle. They laughed louder I turned redder. I pulled up my pants and turned to them and said, " Happy to have made your day." I took off back to hubby and took him what just happened , he started laughing and so did I. I never saw those people again, so I am okay .

4. What's the temperature where you are?
      Today the sun is shinning and it is a whopping 22 degrees.

5. Are you a winter/spring/fall/summer person?
    Fall , I love the colors and maybe early spring, flowers. I hate hot weather, if it is over 70 degrees I am looking for shade.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

25 Things I Love (other then family & friends)

                             25 Things I Love ( other then family and friends)

   Lets see how many of the things that I love that you know about me, Ready? Go!!

1. Puppies Bellies.
2. Puppy breath , = PUPPIES!!!!!!
3. The soft spot between a horse nostrils , you know just above the upper lip.
4. The smell of a sunshine warmed horse.
5.The smell of fresh mowed lawn.
6. Clean ,crisp mountain air.
7. The smell of walking among Pine trees.
8. Going on a picnic.
9. Quading.
10. Mexican food/ Chinese food.
11. Fresh picked tomatoes.
12. Surprising myself when my homemade soups taste really,really yummy.
13. Sitting on my porch in the sun.
14. My P.J.'s .
15. Books.
16. Painting landscapes.
17. Flying kites.
18. Watching Bigfoot movies.
19. The movie Jaws. LOL!!!!
20. My first cup of coffee in the morning.
21. Camping.
22. Fishing.
23. Singing.
24. Watching wildlife.
25. Swimming.

   So my friends now tell me your loves.

Till my next talking
peace and happiness

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A reading challenge

Today is my day to find new blog sites for me to link up to. Since we have 6 inches of snow right now, I find it is a good time for reading challenges so I have found A-Z Reading Challenge hosted by Babies, Books and Beyond.

The A-Z challenge focuses on titles not authors.

The goals are: finish 26 books each starting with a different letter of the alphabet by December, participate in the mini-challenges and above to have fun with it!

I'm going to do "option B" which is fill-in-as-you-go because I don't know what book I'm going to pick up next.

A reading challenge I set for myself is to read books that make me laugh, make me cry and expand my mind. Don't know where that will take me. (oh yeah, and something to give me a little fright/scare!)

This is my first year doing a reading challenge cause a person has got to set goals for themselves! ha!

Keep up with my progress through my Reading Challenge 2013 page.

till my next talking,
peace and happiness

5 question friday

This is my first time linking up with Five Question Fridays hosted by My Little Life. It looks like it will be a fun way for you to get to know me and for me to get to know other bloggers.

Here we go!

1. Flu mist? Flu shot? Or take your chances?

Flu shot. I never take chances.

2. Do your kids have iPads? What are some good educational apps? Price?

What's an i-pad?? ha!

3. What are your favorite boy/girl baby names?

Girl: Belle Star, Erin Elvis. Was going to name my daughter Belle Star, which is the name of an 1800's pioneer saloon girl/hooker and everybody said "Not a good name." Erin Elvis- of course after The King!
Boy: Cody Lamarr. Western writer.

4. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, which apple do you choose to eat? (red/green, gala, red delicious...)

Green tart apples!! The tartier the better (hey, do I have a theme here?)

5. What is your favorite place to escape to for peace & quiet, to think? Why?

My bedroom. It's my space and it's the only room in the house that is totally decorated for me and I'm surrounded by my favorite things. Besides that I can leave my books in a pile and no-one sees them.

Till my next talking,
peace and happiness.