Monday, September 16, 2013

My Bucket Lists

                                           MY BUCKET LISTS.

                                                  List Number One

  1. Mop Floors
  2. Clean Bathroom
  3. Clean Bedroom
Oh no that is not it the is my Cleaning Bucket List.

                                      Bucket List Number Two.

  1. Get gas in my Quad , go for all day ride.
  2. Hot air balloon ride.
  3. Paint my master piece.
  4. Travel to Alaska
  5. Get a pair of sneakers that don't hurt my feet. Something with a nice high arch.
  6. Learn to do the Sloppy Swish.
  7. Travel to CA. to see all my friends.
  8. Snorkel off a Hawaiian Beach, without sharks!
  9. Take a week with Hubby and go to Glacier Park,MT.
  10. Go back to Crazy Women Canyon.
  11. Travel the Rose Bud Highway.
  12. Do stand up act, just once, and not in the cow barn with the cows.

                                    Bucket List Number Three. (The real dream)

  1. Fly to Hawaii .
  2. Fly to Spain
  3. Fly to Ireland .
  4. Learn to fly a helicopter.
  5. Take a mule ride down to the bottom of Grand Canyon.
  6. Raft the Rio Grand.
  7. Bend over and tie my shoes.
  8. Hot Air Balloon ride.
  9. Fly to CA. and see my friends and family.
  10. Take one more trip to New Mexico.
  11. Put a book that I wrote on E-Book.
  12. Take 2 weeks with Hubby and travel around MT.
 Whats your Bucket List?   Oh and P.S. Learn to play pool. Anyone around here know how?

Till my next talking
Peace and Happiness .

Monday, August 19, 2013

Another Poem .

                                                    ONE MAN
                                    by; Jerrilyn 

One son was born to a family that needed him.
First he was raised by two,then one,then none.
Now he was one man.
One man who traveled all over Creator's land.
He saw the creature's that lived,
He smelt the flower's that bloomed.
Felt the breeze that blew upon him in Creator's land.
That one man became a lonely man, so he took a wife.
Wife said"I will stand behind you in whatever you do."
The man said," You will not stand behind me,but beside me."
That one man became a father.
Of whom he loved with his wife.
The father taught his children love,pride,honor,faith,
And the acceptance to walk the path that was set before Them as they lived in the Creator's land.
The father became a grandfather of many.
He loved his grand children.
The grandfather became a traveler with his wife.
They went many places together.
The man became a tried old man,
He said to his wife,"I need to rest take me home."
The wife said,"I will take you home and there I will
Stay beside you always."
Creator said one day to the old man," I have watched you grow, I have seen you walk in my land and leave it as you have found it, I smiled the day you took a good wife,and I have blessed you with healthy children and many grand children,But now I see that you are tried. 
I shall take you to my home, so that it may become your home,and you may rest till you see your family again."
That one man went with the Creator, and become a man in the world of Ancestors.
Patiently waiting  for his wife, and family.

Till my next talking,
Peace and Happiness.


                                  I Am Here.

      Do not long for me.
      Shed not one more tear .
      Place that single rose beside me,
      Turn and walk away.
      Leave all your sorrow beside this grave.
      Rejoice for me,
      For I have lived.
      My life was full of love,happiness,and friends.
      Fear not,
      For I am beside you,
      Only now I will be the wind, the rain,the sun.
      I will be that single Rose that blooms
      In the Winter, Spring, Fall.
      Do not long for me.
      Shed not one more tear.
      Rejoice for me, for now,
      I am truly free.

Till my next talking,
Peace and Happiness.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nature And Me, Really?


                                           Nature and Me , Really?

                 I know that today should be Fat Hat Tuesday , but today I thought I would blog about my fun adventure I had over Fathers Day weekend. I knew that I was going to get to go this time."CAMPING!".
As most of you know I love camping and the great out doors. This would be my first time up to Clearwater MT. My hubby goes up there to compete in a  Bow Shoot. He shoots a traditional bow. Like they had in the old days. Anyway I was so excited to be getting out of the house . Spending time in the woods, the smell of the fresh pine trees, the coolness of the fresh mountain air.The smell of warm pine needles, the sap of the trees, a camp fire at night. You get the picture the , we are talking here the whole out doors. AAAAHHHH!!.
             All week I had been getting our camp trailer " The HOLIDAY RAMBLER" ready for our trip , you know cleaning , putting the clothes in , blankets, towels , coffee pot, coffee,  you know the routine . I was debating with myself if I should bring my little dog Pork Chop with me or not. He doesn't care for riding in the car. He whines a lot. Kind of makes for a miserable trip and I knew that I would have to walk him all the time , cause he is the peeinest little dog that I have ever known , I just wasn't sure if I also wanted to walk behind him with a poopper  scooper and a plastic bag. I don't own cats because I don't want to empty a litter box . My hubby settle the whole question for me when he took Pork Chops feed bowl and water bowl out to the trailer. So I knew he was going. Oh did I mention Porky sleeps with me, which is okay in a king size bed, he sleeps at my feet, But in a single that even I have a hard time finding room for my feet, my bear butt, my belly, legs, etc.... My hubby sleeps on the couch in the trailer because there is only the one bed in the back and as I have all ready said, only barely big enough for me. Porky will not sleep with Marty where there is plenty of room. So I can live with that ,because I get to go camping and be in the all out doors. Yeah!!
               Finally Friday comes and away we go. Porky is in the back of the truck, don't worry it has a camper shell thing on it. He is enclosed in. I always worry about dogs falling out of the back of trucks, because up here they do not have to been tried in . It has something to do with ranch dogs. Anyway so I didn't hear him whining for 2 hours. A $100.00 buckaroos in diesel and two hamburgers later , 3  hamburgers later , one for porky . We arrive at the camp spot. I am so happy to finally be there with Mother Nature. I was called Mother Nature one time by a second grader , we had the Drum there and I was dressed  out and a kid asked me if I was Mother Nature. Funny huh? Maybe because I am round.
           So hubby starts the setting up of the trailer , leveling it,setting the block down. After about 20 minutes or so I figured I might as well take Porky for a walk, get a little exercise in, breathe in the great out doors, commune with nature again AAAAHHHH! I leash my dog, grab the plastic bag, make sure my tennis are tried and off we go. Said hello to a couple of people on their way to do a little target practice. I get maybe a 80 feet form the trailer and I step on a pine cone , which flips out from under my foot, and I know in a second that I was going down. I didn't have time to do a few running steps to try to save myself or flap my arms like a bird about to take flight...... I didn't take flight, I didn't run my self out of the fall. I fell like a giant pine tree in the woods . I didn't even have time to utter a sound. Down I went with Porky scrambling to get out of my way. BAM , I was down . S**T that hurt. But I was quickly up in a sitting position like I was just taking a little break from that long walk of 80 feet. I looked around no one saw me. No one heard the great crash. So it was also true for chubby people in the woods. If they fall when no one was watching did they make a sound? The answer is "NO". No one came to help me up, or ask if I was okay.
          I seen Marty at the back of the truck I called his name and he didn't hear me so a yelled a little louder , but my woodsy voice fell on deaf ears. I have a bad hip and back and when I am down like that I do not have the strength to get up. Oh no I am struck here. I told Porky to go get daddy, which he always does at home. No,  the little dog would not leave my side. I knew that if he when back to the trailer without me Marty would come looking for me. So here I was about ten feet from a pine tree with a lower broken branch sticking out at about just the right height for me to pull myself up with,  but how would I get there? I would have to crawl. So I got up on my hands and knees and started the , "Oh I am just looking for my lost necklace." crawl, you know every now and then I would stop and sweep the grass in front of me, acting like I was looking for something. Humming " DoooDeee, DoooDeee, Dooo!" the whole way. I learned this crawl in my drinking days, when you didn't want people to know that you were too drunk to stand up. Don't shake your head at me. I know darn well that some of you have  done this crawl.
         I get to the tree, no one that I knew of saw me. I reached for the branch like a drowning man reaching for a lifesaver. I got it , I pulled myself  as close as I could get to the pine tree. I pulled my self up slowly , I brushed my face along of the pine. Not on purpose , but I had to get up. I did it , I WAS UP. Whew , I almost jumped for joy, but I didn't want my feet to leave the ground. So I shuffled my way back to the trailer. Just as I was about there  My dear sweet DEAF to my tree in the woods voice stepped around the back of the trailer and looked at me and said, What happened to you? " I said, I had a little fall, but I'm "OKAY".
I got into the trailer and looked down at myself. Oh I communed with nature alright. I had pine needles in my hair and on my shirt, I had Elk poop on my shirt. I had grass on my shirt and in my hair. I had pine pitch on the side of my face and on my hands,  my knees were scratched up from my crawling. I hurt all over for a week.
        I now know that I love Mother Nature , but She doesn't love me.
        Moral of story, Never ever let some one call you Mother Nature, because you can't fool with Her. She always gets back at ya!

So till my next talking,
Peace and happiness.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Almost Friday, So Have A Little Laugh Today.

                         KNOW YOU NEED A MAKE OVER WHEN

  1. When you put your Aha Bra on backwards and it fits better.

 2. When you are looking in the mirror and realize your back boobs are perkier then your front boobs.

 3. When your leg hair is longer and thicker then the hair on your head.

 4. Worst yet is when you start using your shampoo and cream rinse on your legs and boy are they shinny  
      and more manageable.

 5. When combing out your hair you also run the comb through your chin hair and mustache.

 6. When you go to dye your grey hair and also use it on your grey eyebrow hairs.

 7. When you hold your teeth in your hand to brush them.

 8. When you need binoculars to see the scales to see how much you weigh.

 9. When you are now using a putty knife to fill in those Crowfeet (just a cute way to say " WRINKLES")
     around your eye's.

 10. OKAY,OKAY , HANG ON. Your panties  fit better on backwards. UGH.............!

 11. When you go to the pool and you are practically walking on water because sob,sob FAT FLOATS!

 12. When you are the only one who leaves the pool with dry hair.

 13. When you hear a clicking sound while walking on your kitchen floor and look down and see that its your        
       own toenails making that sound.

 14. When you think you see a spider on your upper arm and notice its your arm pit hair creeping around.

15 . When you go to put your shoes on so you don't make that clicking sound , and the only shoes you like
       are your hubbies old slipper's , so now the only sound you hear is the slapping sound of the too big

Okay I have got to get off here and go shopping at Wal Mart and the first thing I am getting is a razor.

So till my next talking,
Peace and Happiness.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Chatting Over Coffee Friday

                                          It's Chatting Day , But it is over a diet 7up

    Wow , oh wow do I feel great today , well actually I have felt great all week. Let me tell you why.
Last week when I went to the Doctor and although it was a long day there I got some good news out of it. Then on the way home I had an a WOWZA moment . I realized that I was given a another chance to live and smile . It was like the Creator sat down in the car with me and said "don't blow it , I love you and every thing will be okay now". How cool is that . It put a song in my heart and a lightness in my step (well sort of I am still not all that graceful). So by my choice I am now on a renal (kidney ) diet. I want to keep what I have. So far Mary and I are doing good on it. We are not hungry and I am fixing satisfying meals with "Dessert".Best part. I have had a whole week of under 180 blood sugar days. I feel great, my back still hurts and I can hardly move today after a full day of house cleaning. but guess what I am happy that I can still clean my house. I know that for some of you it maybe hard to get what I am so over joyed about , and some of you know fully what I am saying here , I just got to shout " I GOT MY LIFE BACK!". I have finally let go of the pain , but not the good memorizes and the love .That's all I got to say about that.

          Okay something else to be happy about Marty went back to work today after being laid off since OCT 2012. We have just been surviving , now I can save up money again and take some of the pressure off the old bank account and pay off a bill or two. Now Marty is looking forward to spring Turkey season. I hope he gets one I love wild turkey oh and the bird too. (insert smiley face) He is always such a whiny baby when hunting seasons are over. He and Sunny Boy went out the other day to go check out his hunting spots, see what animals how been through. He brought back Sunny Boy with a shiner.He fell, Sunny not Marty . Sunny wanted Mommy, so end of play day. He and I love having our grand kids so close . It nice to be  able to see them when we want. My grand-daughter Rose is going to prom tonight with her boyfriend. As she said ," I am so happy ,I could burst into a million pieces!" Please don't that's to many Roses.

        My mom is still in Ohio visiting my sister Bonnie. She calls every couple of days to let me know that she is fine. She has been swimming I think every night and that is so good for her. Maybe build  up that hip of hers. I do miss having coffee already made when I get up in the morning.

       Energy is running through me so I got to go do something maybe put my books back on the bookshelf. I am making a friend of mine a gift so maybe I will work on that.

   P.S. Now maybe I can get Pork Chop a hair cut.

Till my next talking
Peace and Happiness.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Chatting Over Coffee Friday


            I know that it has been awhile since I  have sat down here with coffee cup beside me on my desk, to let you know what my life has been like lately. Lucky for you all I have a moment of time to do just . 
            First off I would like to tell you all about my desk . This is it mess and all.

    I inherited this desk from my father , whom I adored and can honestly say he was my friend . My father was not a writer and anything like that, I would say I used it more then he did ,maybe that is why it is mine now. Or maybe my brothers just didn't want the big old thing. I on the other hand "LOVE IT". It is a part of me like my left hand is. It is always this messy too. I live at this desk at times.  I laugh while sitting here , I have cried while sitting here and I have wrote my poems and stories here and the dreaded paying of the **** BILLS at it. Oh and I play my face book games here. This is also where I do my phone talking from. So if you call me now you can picture me at my desk.
        On my desk is one of my many coffee cups I do these Friday chats drinking the nectar of the gods from.  The cup my grandson Sunny Boy picked out for me as my Christmas present , funny story here. I went to the big city of Missoula with my daughter and said grandson just before Christmas and while we were shopping my Sunny said he wanted to get me a Christmas gift, I said okay , he picked out this cup put it in my basket, I paid from it. He gave it to me and mow every time he sees it , he says " I bought you that cup , huh New Grandma?" I always tell him , " yes you did and thank you, I love it."  He calls me new grandma, because I am younger then my mom, so she is called Old Grandma. Not to sure if she likes that or not. My grand-daughters call me Granny and my mom GeeGee, (great grandma) . 
        Also on this desk is a picture of my much loved and missed Annabell dog. She has been gone now 12 yrs. That's all I am going to say about that ,because I can already feel the tears coming. My note pad is there so that when I am taking on the phone I can write down any important thing you tell me so I don't forget. Another coffee cup full of my pens to write those notes with.

          This is what is under my desk my dog Pork Chop. He is a terrier mix pound puppy . He is 11 yrs old now and doesn't like to be any where but where I am. As you can tell he is not the cutest dog ever , so I had to tell my Bruno dog that he was a pork chop just to get him to play with Pork Chop. Bruno has been gone now almost a year , he lived the good life for 13 years with me. I sure miss that 90 pound goofy dog. Well that is I guess all I can say about my desk.

                     I have been working on another chapter to my blog space about being a Diabetic and all the fun that goes along with it. I am writing it for me , maybe I can start a support group going . Talk about some of the  problems I am having with it and some of the good stuff that has come from being a Diabetic. I know you are wondering what those can be, hopefully I would have that page up soon so just stick with me. I am also working on another story  and just finishing up another poem. So I do have stuff for you all to read about ,(fingers crossed.) I find I have to fight Marty for the computer since he been laid off from the Log Home building. People just are not ordering log homes like they use too. He is still building custom bows, check out his web site. some nice bows there. Maybe you are thinking about your loved one who is hard to shop for. { And yes that was an ad }.  I am going to start going back to the pool to see if it will help my back and I know that it will also help my sugar levels, maybe my stress to. I just love to float around in the water. I will be doing laps too, so it won't be all fun.

        Mom is going back East to visit with my sister Bonnie. Hope she has lots of fun. I am sure my sister has a lot of fun stuff planed for her. I also know that Bonnie plans on taking mom to the pool while she is back there. I know that will do mom good.

     This is not what I started out to write about but it is what came out , so maybe it is what I meant to write about. Oh today is my grand-daughter Pooters birthday, So happy birthday to her, have lots of fun today and I will see you later on tonight.

So till my next talking,
Peace and Happiness.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Five Question Friday

                                            Five Question Friday

1. If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 books, movies, people and foods would you take along?

Books. All 3 of my Jimmy Buffett  books.(Island stuff there) It by Stephen King, because it takes me forever to read . That is one book that really scares me. Webster Dictionary. might as well learn some new words.
Movies. Jaws, Forrest Grump, Oh Brother,Orient Express,Creature from the black lagoon.
 People   Wow , I guess my husband, Cody Lundean (need someone to build the fire) My brother Jim (he is a good fisher) my nephew Bo, ( cause he can climb trees like a monkey) my dog porkchop just cause, Bobby Flay( need someone to cook for me).
Food. Everything to cook southwest food. Black tea,apples,sunflower seeds, chicken.

2. What is your thought on year round school?
  Love it. 

3. What is your most embarrassing potty story? (Can't be one of your kids' potty stories either!) Hee Hee! This cracks me up and stems from a HILARIOUS twitter conversation...
   Went camping with my hubby 25 years ago , we were hiking up some mountain trail, and I had to go....BAD.... so I stepped off the trail and found a nice spot behind a tree, I could not see my hubby so I thought no one on the trail could see me. WRONG , just as I got my pants down , some hikers came up behind me, lets just say they got mooned big time. They started laughing witch when I heard them it  scared me and I fell back down into the puddle. They laughed louder I turned redder. I pulled up my pants and turned to them and said, " Happy to have made your day." I took off back to hubby and took him what just happened , he started laughing and so did I. I never saw those people again, so I am okay .

4. What's the temperature where you are?
      Today the sun is shinning and it is a whopping 22 degrees.

5. Are you a winter/spring/fall/summer person?
    Fall , I love the colors and maybe early spring, flowers. I hate hot weather, if it is over 70 degrees I am looking for shade.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

25 Things I Love (other then family & friends)

                             25 Things I Love ( other then family and friends)

   Lets see how many of the things that I love that you know about me, Ready? Go!!

1. Puppies Bellies.
2. Puppy breath , = PUPPIES!!!!!!
3. The soft spot between a horse nostrils , you know just above the upper lip.
4. The smell of a sunshine warmed horse.
5.The smell of fresh mowed lawn.
6. Clean ,crisp mountain air.
7. The smell of walking among Pine trees.
8. Going on a picnic.
9. Quading.
10. Mexican food/ Chinese food.
11. Fresh picked tomatoes.
12. Surprising myself when my homemade soups taste really,really yummy.
13. Sitting on my porch in the sun.
14. My P.J.'s .
15. Books.
16. Painting landscapes.
17. Flying kites.
18. Watching Bigfoot movies.
19. The movie Jaws. LOL!!!!
20. My first cup of coffee in the morning.
21. Camping.
22. Fishing.
23. Singing.
24. Watching wildlife.
25. Swimming.

   So my friends now tell me your loves.

Till my next talking
peace and happiness

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A reading challenge

Today is my day to find new blog sites for me to link up to. Since we have 6 inches of snow right now, I find it is a good time for reading challenges so I have found A-Z Reading Challenge hosted by Babies, Books and Beyond.

The A-Z challenge focuses on titles not authors.

The goals are: finish 26 books each starting with a different letter of the alphabet by December, participate in the mini-challenges and above to have fun with it!

I'm going to do "option B" which is fill-in-as-you-go because I don't know what book I'm going to pick up next.

A reading challenge I set for myself is to read books that make me laugh, make me cry and expand my mind. Don't know where that will take me. (oh yeah, and something to give me a little fright/scare!)

This is my first year doing a reading challenge cause a person has got to set goals for themselves! ha!

Keep up with my progress through my Reading Challenge 2013 page.

till my next talking,
peace and happiness

5 question friday

This is my first time linking up with Five Question Fridays hosted by My Little Life. It looks like it will be a fun way for you to get to know me and for me to get to know other bloggers.

Here we go!

1. Flu mist? Flu shot? Or take your chances?

Flu shot. I never take chances.

2. Do your kids have iPads? What are some good educational apps? Price?

What's an i-pad?? ha!

3. What are your favorite boy/girl baby names?

Girl: Belle Star, Erin Elvis. Was going to name my daughter Belle Star, which is the name of an 1800's pioneer saloon girl/hooker and everybody said "Not a good name." Erin Elvis- of course after The King!
Boy: Cody Lamarr. Western writer.

4. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, which apple do you choose to eat? (red/green, gala, red delicious...)

Green tart apples!! The tartier the better (hey, do I have a theme here?)

5. What is your favorite place to escape to for peace & quiet, to think? Why?

My bedroom. It's my space and it's the only room in the house that is totally decorated for me and I'm surrounded by my favorite things. Besides that I can leave my books in a pile and no-one sees them.

Till my next talking,
peace and happiness.