Sunday, May 18, 2014

Catching up

                                                            CATCHING UP TIME.

         I know that it has been such along time since I have sat here to actually get you caught up on what is going on in my life. 
     Nothing . The End.

Okay my attempt at a very small joke, I shall start with my mom;
Mom had her hip replaced in November 2013, she was in the hospital for 5 days and then did therapy here at home twice a week. By February of 2014 she is doing really good at getting around and now here in May she is out cruising in the yard without walker just using her cane. She never goes alone my little dog Pork Chop goes with her. If he gets to far ahead of her he always stops to wait for her. Now the is a gentleman for you. She likes to take him so she has someone to talk too. I secretly think,  she hopes that if any thing happens to her that he will run and get help. We all know that he won't get help (just read my blog Nature and Me).
 On Thursday mom got a new hair doo, a perm and a cut looks good, she is getting ready to take a couple of trips, she will be going to CA. and OH, this year. My beautiful niece Pamela is graduating from high school this year. "YAY CUPCAKE!" Then Ohio to visit my sister Bonnie and all the family back there. Not sure what order the trips are going to be in. Guess she hasn't made up her mind yet. Oh she will also be going back to visit Richard, but he lives in MT too, so not a lot of flying time there. What flying time I will be driving her over to see him. We will be stopping along the way to see the sight, Greasy Grass, a couple of Tatanka Jumps.I went to these places with Girlfrien' and I know mom will like to see them. Going to be looking for fossil's back at Rich's .Really looking forward to that, also will be stopping at some ghost towns now that mom is ready to be doing some walking.Mom and I will be wearing our sunscreen , about 3 weeks ago my had to have some surgery done on her face to remove some skin cancer, not the bad kind but cancer just the same so, lather up we will be doing. She had 42 stitches ,but the scar really doesn't look bad.Mostly just under her chin. So okay aside from that she is fine.
    Okay now about Marty, he is fine. Has been doing that on and off working thing, he has been to CO. twice this year working on a log home. Keeping it a blessing because at least we can make the mortgage payments on time, but for the rest of the bills.....His ZBOWSTICKS are doing good he has sold some, a couple of them back east. He is making a name in the Bow making world. Happy for him. He keeps himself busy with making Bows working on his quad(finally got that figured out)it was the don't start laughing cause this is what it really is called, hand in the air, pinkie swear it is called a petcock,..I'll wait for you to stop laughing...................
When he called around for a new one it was going to cost $109.00 buck-a-roo's. We went on ebay and found a rebuild kit for $26.00 should be here any day, then we will be heading to the hills for some good riding time. Love the wind in my face. Marty is a fire captain on the Victor fire department and he has been doing that on Wednesday nights they are gearing up for fire season hopefully with all the snow and cool/cold weather we are having we will not have a bad fire year.Right now he is out on a fire call, not sure if it is land or building fire. Praying for the safety of our firemen and women. I keep CA. firemen and women in my prayers also.He might be going back to work on Monday, fingers crossed.
Marty still has his website, he is also on facebook, zbowsticks. He likes playing the pirate game, so stop by and say "hi". He came in and said it was a shed that brunt.I just hate hearing if it was a house. No one hurt all safe.

     Now about me;what have I been doing? Okay I have made a couple of baby blankets, I have had the blessing of two nieces this past year. My nephew and his wife are excepting in Oct. I am thinking this little one is a boy , so I have to get started on that blanket but maybe I ought to make a little girl one too. I have been beading learning to bead in random pattern, thanks to my friend who moved up here last year, been spending some time over there, I mean to stay only a short time and always end up staying longer, I just get to talking and can not stop. I love visiting with her and her mother. Anyway she likes random and she,(Vicki) is teaching me how to set my mind free.Vicki is also going to teach me how to pin loom, that is sometime I have never done, looking forward to learning that. I have gone back upstairs to the sewing room now that it has warmed up, made mom a cute skirt, and I also made one for myself, have a vest pattern to go with mom's skirt so I will be doing that next and another skirt for me .I bought this material a year ago and I am just now getting around to making my skirt. I also have a quilt that I am working on, hopefully will get that finished.I have been painting, working on painting roses, want to be able to paint a couple of picture's good enough to frame for my bedroom.Learning acrylic paint is harder then oils for me, not sure why, but I am not giving up.
   I am also doing a few things that I am really proud of, I have brought down my A1C level down from 12 last February to an 8.04 this May and I am going for a 7.anything by July.I have also starting crocheting hats preemie hats, newborn hats and toddler hats to donate this year the baby hats to the hospital and the toddler hats to the coat closet where they give the hats away free with the coats 30 hats so far.I call it The Warmth Of Willow,They are all donated in her namesake, She is one of my blessings.I have a couple of secret surprises I am working on and hopefully will be able to show/share with you all later in the year.I have been busy with all this because I have had my Direct T.V. turned off because it was sucking my energy. Now I have time to fill with created things and so far I am enjoying myself.
Thank you Wakan Tanka,Creator of all things, for the many blessings you have giving me.Well that is it for now,almost forgot I have 3 stories in the making; so keep an eye out for them.

So till my next talking,
Peace and Happiness.

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