Sunday, January 13, 2013

A reading challenge

Today is my day to find new blog sites for me to link up to. Since we have 6 inches of snow right now, I find it is a good time for reading challenges so I have found A-Z Reading Challenge hosted by Babies, Books and Beyond.

The A-Z challenge focuses on titles not authors.

The goals are: finish 26 books each starting with a different letter of the alphabet by December, participate in the mini-challenges and above to have fun with it!

I'm going to do "option B" which is fill-in-as-you-go because I don't know what book I'm going to pick up next.

A reading challenge I set for myself is to read books that make me laugh, make me cry and expand my mind. Don't know where that will take me. (oh yeah, and something to give me a little fright/scare!)

This is my first year doing a reading challenge cause a person has got to set goals for themselves! ha!

Keep up with my progress through my Reading Challenge 2013 page.

till my next talking,
peace and happiness

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