I know that it has been awhile since I have sat down here with coffee cup beside me on my desk, to let you know what my life has been like lately. Lucky for you all I have a moment of time to do just .
First off I would like to tell you all about my desk . This is it mess and all.
I inherited this desk from my father , whom I adored and can honestly say he was my friend . My father was not a writer and anything like that, I would say I used it more then he did ,maybe that is why it is mine now. Or maybe my brothers just didn't want the big old thing. I on the other hand "LOVE IT". It is a part of me like my left hand is. It is always this messy too. I live at this desk at times. I laugh while sitting here , I have cried while sitting here and I have wrote my poems and stories here and the dreaded paying of the **** BILLS at it. Oh and I play my face book games here. This is also where I do my phone talking from. So if you call me now you can picture me at my desk.
On my desk is one of my many coffee cups I do these Friday chats drinking the nectar of the gods from. The cup my grandson Sunny Boy picked out for me as my Christmas present , funny story here. I went to the big city of Missoula with my daughter and said grandson just before Christmas and while we were shopping my Sunny said he wanted to get me a Christmas gift, I said okay , he picked out this cup put it in my basket, I paid from it. He gave it to me and mow every time he sees it , he says " I bought you that cup , huh New Grandma?" I always tell him , " yes you did and thank you, I love it." He calls me new grandma, because I am younger then my mom, so she is called Old Grandma. Not to sure if she likes that or not. My grand-daughters call me Granny and my mom GeeGee, (great grandma) .
Also on this desk is a picture of my much loved and missed Annabell dog. She has been gone now 12 yrs. That's all I am going to say about that ,because I can already feel the tears coming. My note pad is there so that when I am taking on the phone I can write down any important thing you tell me so I don't forget. Another coffee cup full of my pens to write those notes with.
I have been working on another chapter to my blog space about being a Diabetic and all the fun that goes along with it. I am writing it for me , maybe I can start a support group going . Talk about some of the problems I am having with it and some of the good stuff that has come from being a Diabetic. I know you are wondering what those can be, hopefully I would have that page up soon so just stick with me. I am also working on another story and just finishing up another poem. So I do have stuff for you all to read about ,(fingers crossed.) I find I have to fight Marty for the computer since he been laid off from the Log Home building. People just are not ordering log homes like they use too. He is still building custom bows, check out his web site.
www.zbowsticks.com some nice bows there. Maybe you are thinking about your loved one who is hard to shop for. { And yes that was an ad }. I am going to start going back to the pool to see if it will help my back and I know that it will also help my sugar levels, maybe my stress to. I just love to float around in the water. I will be doing laps too, so it won't be all fun.
Mom is going back East to visit with my sister Bonnie. Hope she has lots of fun. I am sure my sister has a lot of fun stuff planed for her. I also know that Bonnie plans on taking mom to the pool while she is back there. I know that will do mom good.
This is not what I started out to write about but it is what came out , so maybe it is what I meant to write about. Oh today is my grand-daughter Pooters birthday, So happy birthday to her, have lots of fun today and I will see you later on tonight.
So till my next talking,
Peace and Happiness.
"pooter"? ha! I always thought it was "Poopie" haha! good to see you back. :)will stop by today.