Tuesday, August 25, 2015

It's Me Again.

                                     I WILL PAINT!

           It has been awhile since I have let you my friends and family catch up to me and what is going on in my little part of my world.
Get a cup of a beverage of your choice and relax for a minute. 
     I have taken up a new hobby, well it is sort of a old hobby ,because I have painted before . I painted with Oil Paint, Acrylic, Felt Pens, Colored Pencils, and Ink, (that was a disaster, Ink that is). Well now I am painting with Water Color, it is a lot like your grammar school water color, but more expensive. I tried Water Color a few years ago, maybe it has been ten years now. I just know it was a long time ago. A friend of mine turned me onto it again. Shout out to Tracy, thank you. I have a little better grasp on it now. I love the easiness of the way the water and paint glide together. Love the easy clean up too. 
       I am having great enjoyment with my painting again. I thought I wouldn't paint again,because I lost the joy of it. I have found the love again of watching the paint glide onto the paper,like a car following the open road , straight ahead fast then slow to take a curve, if my brush crashes off the edge of the paper I no longer care, I just restart the brush and zoom, I am off again. It relaxes my racing mind, my worried brow, my teeth grinding pain. Sometimes I lay my head on my arm and watch my brush zoom towards me, then away from me taking me on that road it travels. 
   When I have reached the end of my newly painted road, sometimes my picture actually looks like something good. As if that was what my little racing brush had in mind all along. I sit back and look at it and I feel good, I have done it. I have finished! I crossed that line and I have came in first. My water color and brush and paper has taken me there and back safely. Like rushing through a country road with all the windows open and all the  worry, and pain has rushed out that open window like a feather in the wind. 
   I share some of my paintings with you all and some I keep for me, because  those ones have been driven when I was in my worst pain, so those are my secret roads I can look back on them and see the beauty of them . Am I good, maybe ,maybe not. I know when others look , when you look my reader you either see the beauty or you will not see it and think it is ugly. Yes your opinion matters to me, but not in the sense that you think it does, your opinion matters to me if it has touched you in anyway. Negative feed back or positive tells me I am painting a picture that not only moves me , but moves you as well. If you have seen those curves and straight lines and follow them and it touches you, then you too have crossed the finish line. I am a painter.
       I know that this sounds corny and weird, but I am a Artist.  I know that I will continue to paint till I can no longer see that road in my minds eye, then I will find another road, but in till that day come I will paint.

 So you see not all are wonderful,but I like them. I think I have found my style which I would say is my style of Native design. Look for more.
so in till my next talking,
Peace and Happiness to you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


                                     I AM.

    I am a woman, yes I am not the best looking, not the best shape, or in the best shape. Sometimes I burn the dinner ,I don't always get the clothes folded and put away, I hardly ever make a bed again after changing the sheets. My closet is overstuffed with the clothes I just had to have and only wore once and haven't worn again in months,years. I have shoes form when I was in the 8th grade, that no matter how much I try I can not get my feet into again.
    The makeup I wear once a month on date night sits on the bathroom counters all year round, well maybe it does get put into the basket when I clean once a week, but then I haul it all out looking for my tweezers.
Which is also hidden under a mound of hair clips,ties,brush's ,comb's, earrings, and change.
     I laugh to loud, I cry at dog commercials, and the elderly in love.
I love Bigfoot movies and the Creature Form The Black Lagoon movies. I
buy DVD I don't watch , for at least months, sometimes I wait a year before watching, but I had to have, I said, " Might as well get it while it is on sale." Monday through Friday night at 11:30 pm I watch Perry Mason before I go to bed, then when I am in bed I read Stephen King books and listen to Coast to Coast till 3am.
     I sleep till late morning because I stayed up late. I must have coffee before I can be spoken too. I treat my dogs like babies. I talk to my self and I sing to my plants. Some times I forget to comb my hair all day. I strip off my jeans and tee shirt the moment I get home. I leave them where I dropped them, till laundry day. I listen to the radio up too loud.
My book shelves are over flowing with my books, that yes I will read again.I have way to much fabric , that some day will make a beautiful quilt , I have totes and totes full of yarn , just waiting to be made into baby beanies, baby blankets, booties ,I give away to the free kids coat closet.
      I am a mess, but I a know one thing with all my being .
                 I am truly loved.

So Till My Next Talking
Peace and Love.