Friday, October 12, 2012
Chatting Over Coffee Friday
Wow it has been a while since I have sat down and filled you all in are what has been happening in my corner of the world. Where do I start. I will start on up dating you on my mom.
This past April my mom tripped over the rug and broke her hip. After the hospital stay they sent her to a care home for 3 weeks. There she had PT twice a day. They helped her to learn to balance herself again . She couldn't stand on the broken hip side , so she leaned a lot. We brought her home and she was in the wheel chair for about six weeks, then her Doctor told her to start PT again. So twice a week I took her to PT there she started walking with a cane and got her out of the wheelchair. Now she only uses it in the middle of the night when she wants to be sneaking and go get a peanut butter sandwich . Not that I deny her a peanut butter sandwich . I think she just likes the sneaking part. As of Tuesday of this week the Doctor told her that she could quit PT and start going to the pool whit me and work out there. Mom is so much better that she has been doing a little walking without her cane. It kind of scares me to see her wobble like that. Maybe in Dec they will take the 3 screws in her hip out they give her a lot of pain. Which I has seen on the x-rays and my hip hurt when I saw them. They are huge. Plus they have backed out a bit . Yikes. Will keep you updated.
My Daughter Paulina moved in with me in April, with my 3 grand kids. What a house full that was. She got her self a really cut A-frame house that is just the next driveway up. I can see her front porch from mine. She moved in on Oct.1 inside is all knotty pine and it is beautiful, comes with about 15 acres that ought to make my Sunny Boy happy. He is the most active kid I have ever seen. He loves to go out with his Papa , they fish, they go for walks in the woods, they split and stack wood together. For being only four, he sure can fling a piece of wood. He just climbs up into the back of the truck and starts throwing it out , when he is done he jumps out sits down on a log and pulls the handle on the log-splitter. He also climbs on every thing and has toys all across the yard. What a boy he is. My 15 year old grand-daughter Rose is a TEENAGER and every word of raising a teenager is true. We have crisis form can't find socks, too boyfriends not calling, homework, pimples , bad hair days, to dirty tennis shoes. She plays JV volley ball. After that is over she wants to play basketball. She is going all the time . My middle grand-daughter is 9 and she catches frogs like no one else can. she stand there real still then pounces like a Cat and she has a frog. She always lets then go. She reads to me from the Scary Weenies book. It's funny stuff there. She reads to me from other books too, and she is always there to watch TAPS with me. My son-in law is working in North Dakota , soon he will have his CDL, then maybe he will see what he can find in MT. Wish I was young enough to work the oil fields of ND , money to be made there.
My grand-kids are Loud, they run up and down the hall way,2 of them are always hungry,there is laundry everywhere. Lord how I love them and miss them. I know they only live next driveway up.
Marty was laid off again this past summer so he went on the fires across this state of MT.
He made money to keep us going and he had fun. He loves being out there fighting fires. Helping people. He did miss our 27 anniversary, he did call me, So that was nice. When he got back we did go out and buy ourselves a 40 inch flat screen for our gift to each other. Wow I can see the tops of peoples heads now, and there is no line in the middle of their bodies. So this is what everyone has been talking about for years. Marty went back to work building log homes and right now he is in Sun Valley Idaho on a job, he will be home Sunday.
He stills builds Bows oh he has in interview in the TRAD'S ARCHERY WORLD magazine so check it out.He hunts when he can , which I think is a lot. So he is a happy guy.
That brings us back to me. I have been here at the house most of my time . Crocheted a new Afghan and now I am working on one for my bed. So look for them soon on my face book page of" I made this", to see the pictures of it when I am done. I thing it is beautiful. Not done yet almost. When that is finished , I think I will start on a baby blanket ( I think it is a girl this time) " NOT MY DAUGHTER PAULINA". I have also been writing some short stories you can read them here on my blog. I have also started back on my painting with oils, done some bead work. I have also been working on myself. Wait till the end of the year, to find out what has been going on with that. I have been expanding my mind, reading more books , drinking more tea ( cause I am out of COFFEE) Thanks Sis for the mint leaves, send more hot peppers please. I am finished for now , so love to you all.
Till my next talking, Peace and Happiness
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
What's That Sound?
What's That Sound?
For My
Daughter Paulina.
She was sitting as
still as she could trying to calm her breathing down so that she could listen
for the sound that awoke her again at 3 am .This was the 5th time
this month that she found herself awake and sitting here listening.
She was listening so hard that she thought that she could actually feel her
ears moving; as if trying to tune into the slightest sound. She didn’t realize
how nosy the quiet really was.
She sat there for 45
minutes knowing that even if she got up and roamed her small house, she
wouldn’t find anything out of place or that anyone had broken into her car, or
dogs into her trash can. No one at her door or running down the street. She
also knew that it would take at least an hour of tossing and turning before
sleep would find her again.
She awoke at 8am with
the sun trying to poke its way around the cracks in her tightly drawn drapes.
She hated to wake up with the sun shining in her eyes. She figured it was
better for her eyes to adjust to the light gradually. She leaped as far into
the middle of the room as she could. She had been doing this since she was a
small girl. She was afraid of the Giant Dust Bunny who lived under her bed and
who ate children who didn’t keep their rooms clean. She knew that this wasn’t
true, but it was a habit that was hard to break, along with her nightly
childhood prayer, “Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, bless this bed I lay upon,
Bless Mommy and Daddy etc…..
She was careful not
to look into the mirror while she brushed her teeth and washed her face. Her
hair was cut very short all she had to do was run a comb through it; Just a
quick glance in the mirror and out she went. She thought it was silly that at
her age be afraid of seeing Bloody Mary. She didn’t really believe in it, but
why take a chance. She was use to her little oddities. You know like don’t walk
under a ladder; don’t pick up a penny if it was heads up. Watch out for black
cats. Never look out the side window of a moving car at night. She didn’t want to
see a werewolf, or a monster running beside her. She lived in the town and took
the bus everywhere she went. She didn’t even own a car, but she didn’t look out
the bus window at night either. And since she didn’t own a car she wasn't too
worried about all the garage doors being jammed shut while the car was running
and her dying of gas poison. Always keep the lid down on the toilet so snakes
and swamp rats couldn’t crawl out. Oh and always look down into the toilet bowl
before sitting down. She only burned white candle when the lights went out and
she never lit three on a match. There were more, many more, never park at night
to make out {HOOKMAN}. Never answer the phone on the third ring, could be Death
calling. Never go into the attic at night. Always look the Motel bathroom door
when showering {bring a friend} Ha! Always keep your drink with you at the bar.
Chapter 2
Being it was a Sunday, she was to be at her parents’ house for dinner. She was to be there by 2pm; to help her mother cook and to get in a good visit. The buses stopped running at 7pm on Sundays. Sometimes she missed her bus, mostly on Holidays then either her father or brother drove her home. She hated having to have her dad drive at night and her brother lived out at the other end of town, so it was way out of his way. Although neither one of them complained. Still she didn’t want them out at night. She couldn’t keep them from looking out their side windows.
She had time before catching the bus to her parents’ house to do a little cleaning. Last week’s work clothes still needed to be washed. She put some music on and was rocking out to some good old disco. One of her favorite types of music to get her moving. Before she knew it; it was time to get ready and go catch the bus. Just as she reached for the door knob the doorbell rang. It gave her a little fright. She looked out the peep hole and was surprised to see her brother standing there. She opened the door and gave him a hug.
“I am so surprised to see you here.”
“I was in this part of town so I thought I might as well pick you up and we could ride to mom and dads together; you ready to go?”
“Sure just got to lock up.”
After she locked the door she did a quick tap on the horseshoe that hung above the door, she checked to make sure her garlic plant was doing okay.
“I am ready, be nice not to have to ride the bus both ways.”
As they drove along to their parents her brother talked about how his job was going and the baseball game he went to. He threw in a mention of a woman he had just started dating. All she had to do was ask” what was she like?” And they were in a deep discussion about his new girlfriend, and then her brother asked “when was she going to start dating again? After her break up with Bill she just wasn’t ready to go through that dating routine again.
She didn’t realize that she had stopped talking or even listening, it was such an ingrained habit to look straight ahead and hold her breath and to think a little prayer whenever she passed a cemetery .She let out a deep breath when they were completely passed the cemetery. She heard her brother laughing and thought she had missed a good joke.
“You still do that? I saw you touch your horseshoe when we left your place and now I catch you holding your breath, so no ghostly can get into you” He was laughing again. Everyone she knew laughed at her when they found out about her little oddities. Her brother was the most understanding, but still she guessed that at the age of 31 it did seem a bit odd, that she lifted her feet whenever she went over the railroad tracks, and all the rest of the stuff that she did. She was pretty sure that this was what drove Bill away.
She shrugged her shoulders at her brother. “Habits are habits, and some are very hard to break, I see you still bite your nails.”
“So right you are.” He had a big goofy grin, so she laughed with him.
They arrived at their parent’s house reminiscing and laughing about their childhood.
Chapter 3
They sat around the dining room table talking about their week. She loved her parent’s they were fun to be around, they knew her so well. I mean they did raise her from birth and had night lights all over the house, because she was afraid of the dark. So she went ahead and told them about the noise that kept waking her up at about 3am {just the end of the witching hours}. They asked the same questions she asked herself whenever she found herself sitting straight up in bed. She couldn’t describe the sound, but just that the sound awoke her. They all talked about it while they finished eating.
Her and her mother chatted away while they cleaned up, just about everyday stuff and her mom told her about a funny mishap she had at work. Before they knew it they were both laughing so hard that tears were running down their cheeks. They watched a little T.V. and had some pie. Then she headed for the door to catch her bus.
“Hey Sis, I have an idea on how to find out what the noise is that keeps waking you up.”
“What’s your idea?”
“Set up a tape recorder at night when you go to bed, then listen to it and maybe you can catch the sound and figure out what made the noise.”
“That sounds like a good idea, but what if I hear something really scary?”
“Tell you what, you call me and I will come over and listen to it.”
“Okay but don’t tell me anything bad, then I would have to move.”
Her brother laughed, which made them all start laughing. She knew that she had a voice activated recorder and she would get it out when she got home.
She found the recorder easily, everything seemed to be working and there was even a blank tape. She looked around wondering where to put it, when it came to her that since the noise woke her up in her bedroom, she would start there. She sat it on her dresser across the room. She awoke with the alarm Monday morning; she had slept the whole night through. She jumped far into the middle of the room that she could. Then over to the recorder, she had seen that it had recorded something. She knew that she couldn’t wait for her brother She had to listen to it now, she rewound the tape took a deep breath and turned it on. There were sounds alright. Her faced turned red when she realized what the sounds were. Maybe Bill didn’t leave her because of her habits, but because of what she was hearing coming over the tape.
For four nights there was nothing but the regular night noises. She was being to get bored with the whole checking the tapes each day. Thursday night she was sitting straight up in bed again at 3am. Knowing that a loud noise had woke her up. All was quiet, she sat there listening and hearing nothing. She was sure that the recorder had caught that noise because it was so loud. There was no way that she was going to listen to that tape. A call to her brother would be made first thing in the morning. She called her brother and told him, “That it happened again, and that he had to come over and listen to it, she was just too scared this time to do it.”
“I will be there right after work.”
“Great I’ll fix us a little dinner.”
As soon as he walked into the house she handed him the recorder and told him “go into the office and listen to it. And shut the door I don’t want to hear it.” He went into her office and rewound the tape and pushed play. He got a little chuckle at some of the sounds and found out his sister still talked in her sleep, then he heard it, it was a deep growl sound and it was loud! He jumped up and took a step back, and then he heard it again. He then heard his sister moan and ask “What?”
He asked that same question whit a little more detail. “What the hell was that? There was no more on the tape other than his sister turning it off. He listened to the tape 2 more times. After the 3rd playing he knew what the sound was. He listened once more .He couldn’t help himself, he started laughing, the deep belly kind of laugh. He heard his sister calling him and he walked into the living room. He looked at his sister and just starting laughing again. At first she thought that he had snapped because he heard something so evil on the tape. Then the next thought was that was that he heard the sounds that expelled from her well….her buttocks at night. Quick red face. She looked at her brother again, tears were running down his cheeks and his face was beat red and she quickly went back to her first thought that his mind had snapped. He saw his sister look at him like he was crazy and he coughed out, “I’ll tell you while we eat dinner, you are never going to believe what keeps waking you up at night.” They walked to the table and sat down.
“You tell me right this minute of what you heard.”
He told her about the body function noises, then about the deep growl’s he heard. How he had listened to the tape a total of 4 times and he was certain about the sound that keeps waking her up.
“What? Just tell me already!”
“You my dear sister snore and snore loudly.” With that he started laughing again.
“You lie, I do not snore! Well not loud enough to wake me up.”
He played the tape for her, she gave a little scream when she heard the deep growls, and she wanted to run from the room. She stayed and listens to it a few more times. Not all the sounds that she thought were, well you know. Some were light snores that built up into a really ripping snore. She did wake herself up with the sounds of her snoring.
“Wait tell I tell mom and dad about this Sunday at dinner.”
“Yeah they will love this one. “
She locked up and did the dessert dishes and went to bed happy and feeling safe. Sleep came quickly to her this night.
Chapter 4
He waited in her room under her bed in the dark. His long ears standing straight up listening, his nose twitched every now and then. It would wrinkle when the odor hit his nose. He gave a deep growl. He heard her wake and sit up in bed. She laughed and lay back down. He knew that he had lived with this flow odor long enough. He had been planning this for weeks on how to take care of this little problem. Not only were the smells getting to him, but these dust balls are giving him a rash. It was so hard to get a good starch in.
She thought she was so smart by jumping as far away from the bed as she could. He would out smart her. He would be waiting for her in the morning.
The alarm woke her, she stretched, “Opps.” she said at the sound.
She jumped.
She saw too late to stop herself. Her last thoughts were.
The giant Dust Bunny burped loudly.
“Oh my, not bad manners, just good food!”
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Theme Thursdays is hosted by Kayven over at Reading Between Pages...
This week's theme is "walk."
"I grabbed my flashlight and set out on foot, walking streets and back alleys, looking behind bushes and trash cans, calling Fred's name."

This is a sentence from my favorite new author Janet Evanovich . High Five is the title of the book , you can find this sentence on page 30. I recommend that you read all 29 pages first to get to the sentence. I love this series of books. Very funny stuff in between the front and back covers.
This week's theme is "walk."
"I grabbed my flashlight and set out on foot, walking streets and back alleys, looking behind bushes and trash cans, calling Fred's name."
This is a sentence from my favorite new author Janet Evanovich . High Five is the title of the book , you can find this sentence on page 30. I recommend that you read all 29 pages first to get to the sentence. I love this series of books. Very funny stuff in between the front and back covers.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
How could the deli be out of Rye Bread at 11am? It was just one more thing to upset his day. His alarm clock didn’t go off, he nicked his lip shaving that morning, plus there was no shampoo. He had to use body soap on his hair. Form the first lather to the rinse out, he worried how his hair was going to look. He always liked to look the best he could, weather it was on the golf course, in the office or just mowing the back yard.
In the kitchen he broke his coffee mug, the one his mother gave him when he started his new job as a security guard at the new high-rise hotel. He was to be there in an hour. He liked to be there a little early just to go over which rooms were occupied, so he would walk those floors the most. He liked to be seen. He personally thought he looked quite handsome in his uniform. Sometimes other hotel workers kidded him about getting a cut on his creases, because they were so sharp. They even acted like they were checking their reflection on his shoes, they were that high polished.
Like he said, “he liked to look his best.” He locked the garage door and got onto his bike and set off. He didn’t even get to the end of the driveway, when his bike chain came off. This meant that he would have to get down on his knees and get his pants legs dirty. Back into the garage, on the back shelf there were some rags and old newspapers. He was afraid of the newspaper, maybe because the newspapers might get newsprint on his pants. Rags may have been used already. He reached into the dryer and pulled out one of his mom’s bath towels .When he was done he would just put into the dirty laundry basket and she {mother} would never know. He set the towel on the ground and proceeded to fix his chain. His finger got caught between the sprocket and the chain. It had broken the skin, and now he was bleeding. “Dang!” Back into the house, clean up, change his shirt and a bandage for his finger. He was finally on his way again.
He arrived at the deli; where he always got his dinner break Ham on Rye sandwich.
“All out of Rye Bread.” The girl who always made his sandwich told him.
“What no Rye Bread, how could that be at 11 o’clock in the morning and you are already out of Rye Bread! You make your own bread, don’t you?”
“Yes we do, but they had a major oven break down, so they didn’t get enough made, we have plenty of Pumpernickel Bread left and that is good with Ham.”
“Pumpernickel! No thank you!" Out the door he went. Now what was he going to have to eat for dinner break? Wow this really sucked.
He pushed his bike along the side walk, because the chain had come off the sprocket again .2 blocks before the hotel there was a Quick Stop Gas and Grub store. He thought that he might as well take a peek inside .If they had nothing else then a soda and a jerky stick, which at this point he would be ahead of the game. He took his bike chain and locked up his bike, the way this day was going, ride able or not he didn’t want his bike stolen. He stepped into the store and the bell above the door jangled.
There were three people already inside the store and all three heads turned to look at him. He noticed that the women had her hands up and that she was crying, the cashier was saying something like “Ok, Ok, Mister!” The other guy pointed at him and yelled, “NOT TODAY PIG!” He saw a flash of light and heard a car backfire, and then he felt a searing pain.
How could the deli be out of Rye Bread at 11am , It was just one more thing to upset his day……….
Fatal Shooting At The Quick Gas And Grub.
A young security guard at the local Hotel was shot and killed after walking in on a robbery in progress. John P. Reading shot and killed Craig Smithson after Smithson walked into the Quick stop. Reading told the local police, “Man I didn’t know that he wasn’t a real cop and that he didn’t have a gun, I wouldn’t have pulled the trigger.” Craig Smithson was pronounced dead at the scene.
Back into the garage, on the back shelf there were some rags and old newspapers. He was afraid of the newspaper.........
Monday, July 2, 2012
By Jerrilyn
description, thriller on a minor scale
stats Published on 2012-06-26
Chapter 1: Getting it
at all the paper work and research that had to be done by the 3 week deadline,
She knew that it had to be done and done well, if she was going to move on up.
She could just see herself in that coveted corner office. She had some
competition for it. She was going to get that office. She always got what she
wanted, whatever it took, it would be hers. In her eyes she was the best
looking, the smartest, the most desirable woman here in a business full of
women. First she had to get this project done before her 5-day vacation in two
weeks. She was not going to miss that. She worked hard to get the 5 days off
and the hotel paid for and it was not fun this time around. He was an awful
little man and his wife could keep him. All she wanted from him was the money
and the money is what she got. The pictures of him and her were like money in
the bank. Five days of sand, sunshine, and surf was what she wanted and what
she got. She made just enough money to pay for the small apartment and her
wardrobe. Her bikini alone was one hundred dollars. It was a guarantee that she
was not going to be spending her five days alone or paying for her own drinks.Thinking about this pile of work was already giving her a headache. She needed someone she could get to help her on this. What she really wanted was someone to do this for her and better yet, would let her take all the credit for it. She would be back the day before the deadline and she could read the thing over and act like she wrote the whole thing out herself. She stepped out in to the hallway and looked around. "Oh not her, she was way too stuck up." "Oh not her either, I would need a translator just for the title page." "And that other woman just thought she was above everyone else." Looking around as she walked to the break room, she ticked people off one by one; mostly she knew they just weren't the ones to ask. Then she looked into the break room and there he was, the perfect one for her. He was already under her spell and he was good at research, since that was the department he worked in.
A quick step into the women's room to check her hair and makeup. As she looked into the mirror her refection was perfect, as she knew it would be.
She sashayed into the break room like she was walking onto a fashion runway. She hummed slightly and he looked over at her and she smiled, he turned a bright pink hue.
She walked up to him and said, "Just the man I was looking for." He blushed even more before muttering,” Me?"
"Yes you, silly man, I need you." Oh she had never seen such a shade of red before and she thought it would make a great lipstick color.
He squeaked out a "Me?"
And yes again was her answer. "I need your help on a research project and I thought of you right away, there is no one else out there that I can count on to help me out."
"Well okay, I'll help you."
"Oh by the way it is due in three weeks, so you sure you got the time?"
"I'll make sure, even if we have to work late on it."
"Great see you in my cubical in say...15 minutes?" big smile.
"Ooookay." more mumbling.
Men like him keep me in the cash she thought. This was going to be easy, way to, to easy.
There was a knock on her cube wall, she looked up and there he was looking down at her with a small grin.
" Oh you are right on time, I like a man who doesn't keep me waiting." She purred.
" I think we need to take this into the.... oh how about that empty office?"
" Well okay."
He saw her struggling with all the files she had in her arms. He took them from her.
"Here, let me carry them for you."
" Oh my what a gentleman, that is so sweet." Again, the cat smile.
There was that red shade really must see if I could get that shade in a lipstick. They walked over to the empty office. It felt like hers already. She would get one of those plastic plants, something that she didn't have to spend time on watering and caring about. She only cared for herself, and clothes. She had a teacup poodle once, because she thought that it would add to her persona like an expensive handbag. The constant feeding and letting the thing in and out at night got to be too much of a bother. One day at an outdoor cafe table, she thought the creature was tied to the table leg and it slipped its leash and ran out into the street and was struck and killed by a car. Her first thoughts were,” check off trying to find a home for the thing.” When she noticed everyone looking at her, then her dog, she burst into big old crocodile tears.
She told him what needed to be done and off he went. She knew that within the week she would have wiggled, winked her way to not having to work on this project.” Yes this office would be hers."
She didn't think about his need to check in on her and let her know about his progress. She was getting tired of this, of him; it was getting harder to keep a smile on her face. "Keep the office in your sights,” she keeps telling herself. They were now having to met at the office after hours and well, this was cutting into her fun time.
"How about I run out get grab some takeout for us? While you work on this. I won't be but a minute." She needed to escape his whining voice. In two days she would be off for 5 days. She wouldn't say a word to him about her trip. She would just give him a quick call when she landed; tell him an emergency came up or something. "Could you finish for me?” Before she left to get the "take out" she thought she would make sure there was enough incentive for him. She wasn't coming back to the office tonight.
She would make some excuse to him tomorrow. He would be to busy trying not to look at her boobs to hear the excuse anyway.
"You and I are going to get big time kudos after I present this. You do know I could never had done this without you?" she walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The kiss to her was nothing, just another way of getting what she wanted.
"You are welcome."
"I'll be right back." and with that she was out the door.
She didn't see him the next day at work; he was out with his department boss. She left him a memo," about getting a headache, and she just had to go lay down. She was sure that he would understand. P.S. I owe you a big dinner, big night out after presentation day. XOXOX,
Chapter2: He
He could smell her perfume before she even came near the break room door. He held his breath, she didn't come into the break room, and she was just going into the lady's washroom. He let out his breath in a disappointed sigh. He hardly had time to take his next breath before she walked into the break room. She smiled at him. Then she walked up to him, and said something about him being just the guy she needed. She was talking to him, he must have been responding right, because she told him to meet her at her desk in 15 minutes. Then she was gone.
Her perfume lingered, he breaths it deep into his lungs. He thought that this must be the scent of a 100 flowers. He had once bought a bottle after he saw her go in a little boutique. $80.00 bucks for two oz's, was a little pricey, but the pleasure that he got from holding it in his hands and just knowing that all he had to do was the take the stopper off and breathe in the scent, was almost like having her stand next to him. He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
He knew the other workers talked about her when she wasn't around. He did not join in on the cheap dirty things they were saying about her. He thought that they just didn't understand her. Not that he did, he would be the last person who could throw his 2 cents in about her or any woman. He got all tongue tied and nervous whenever she was around. He looked at the wall clock, then down at his wristwatch and took off. He was not going to be late, for what, he couldn't recall. He made a promise to himself that from that moment on he would hear and absorb every musical word that came form her lovely mouth.
He knocked on her wall, and she looked up at him with her jade green eyes. They had to be the loveliest eyes he had ever seen. He had never seen that shade of green eyes on anyone else.
"Hi."He said.
"You are right on time, I don't like for a man to keep me waiting.” Her smile lit the room.
"Lets take this in to...the empty office."
She picked up a stack of file folders. He reached for them.
"Here let me carry those."
"Oh what a gentleman you are."
Her lashes were long and black. He didn't think the others were right, they did not remind him of spider legs.
He started following her over to the corner office. He stopped and a flash of the other young women whose office it was, and how awful her death was and a shock it was to everyone in the office. She was murdered on her way to the subway after leaving work late one night.
He gave a little shutter and quickened his pace, so he could open the door for her. If she was not to be bothered by it, then neither was he. They went over all that needed to be done .It was a lot of extra work that he would be taking on. He could do this if he ate his lunch at his desk, and after work. He knew how to research. He loved learning about things. The Internet was a great thing. It opened a world to him that he would never get to see. He had not the money or the want to travel alone.” Maybe just maybe.” He thought. He could get this done, and besides he didn't have the will power to tell her no.
Every morning he looked forwards to the little breaks he took to go down and show her what he had printed out for her. She would smile and thank him for the great work he was doing, and how fast he was at his research. He told her that it wasn't anything too hard just a little extra research was all. He never told her that sometimes after leaving her at night he would go home, and up to his room with just a quick hi to his mother and continue to work till his eyes would not longer focus and how he would drag to his bed and sleep for two -three hrs. He loved the nights they spent together in the office after everyone had left.
He was busy putting his research into a readable word form when she interrupted him, with asking him if he wanted something to eat? She said that she would be happy to get some take-out and bring it back here to the office. Then she said something about how she could not have done this without him and that they were going to get big kudos. Then She did something that bonded them together {for life?} She walked over and kissed him on the cheek. He knew that she was going to kiss him on the lips, but he got the impression that maybe she thought that it might be a little to soon. When her lips touched his cheek it was like having ...well like having velvet brush his cheek. He knew that he was blushing.
"You are welcome." He said, not knowing what to say to being kissed.
"I'll be right back." Out she went in a little bit of a hurry. He thought that maybe hurrying out like that was because she was embarrassed because he reacted wrong. He should have returned the kiss, taken her into his arms. Just letting her know that the time was right.
While she was gone all he could think about was the way he was going to take her in his arms, make her feel safe and wanted, how much she was loved. Deep in thought he didn't realize how much time had passed. She had been gone an hour. Maybe she got caught up in the dinner crowd, and it was just taking her a little longer. As an hour and a half pasted he was getting worried about her.
He would sit there for a whole 2 hours going through the emotions from angry to worry, to worry again. Then it came to him that she was afraid of her feelings for him. He cursed himself for upsetting her so much, that she didn't want to face him again tonight." Stupid, stupid." He thought,” I should have taken her into my arms, then she would have known. Tomorrow he would reassure her. Tell her that he felt the same way.
When he came in the next morning his boss asked him to gather all the research he was doing on the downtown project.
"We will be out of the office all day, hope you are ready."
"Yes sir, not a problem, had it done yesterday."
He didn't say just barely with all the extra work he was doing for her. He had almost neglected his own work. He didn't get to see her at all that day. When he got back to the office he found the memo that she left him.
Sorry about not coming back last night, but I got a huge headache. Hon, I just had to go lay down. Sorry again.
P.S. I owe you a dinner out. A big night out after presentation day.
XOXOX didn't that mean hugs and kisses? She knew how he felt for her. His heart was over flowing with the love he felt for her. He knew that it was way to early for a ring. When he got home he would take it out from under the bed, where it had been hiding from his mothers prying eyes. He wanted his love to be the first to see it. The women who sold it to him didn't count. Nor did that other women, she was way to young anyway, so he didn't count her either. He floated around the office all day. His happiness was shining through so much that the other workers were asking him,” what was up, he win the lottery?" He just laughed and smiled and told them nothing. It was just between the two of them for now.
. He walked down to her office and she was not there. The guy in the next cubical told him that she wasn't going to be in for a week that she was on vacation.
He plodded back to his office wondering why she didn't tell him.
Before he had too much time to think about her leaving the phone rang.
"Hello, this is the office of..."She cut him off before he could finish.
"I know who I was calling, Hi I had a err a family emergency, so I was wondering if you could finish for me? I will be back in about five days. I have got to run, you are such a love, Bye."
It was a world-wind call. Did she say something about love? He noticed that he was sitting there with the phone in his hand.
"She did, she did say love to me." Now there would be no stopping till it was done. He would see to it that she had no worries about it when she came back. He worked all week long and finally finished up on Sunday morning. He had did it; there it sat in the red colored folders that she liked to use. She told him it was like walking into a meeting with power in your hand.
Monday morning he left it on her desk.
Tuesday morning he dressed in one of his best suits, it was to be a big day for them. He would be there when she did the presentation, and he didn't know if he would have time to change for their big night out. He had brought the ring. Just in case. He walked into the boardroom and there she was already showing them the charts, and maps. Then she looked right it him and told them that she had planned on taking a 5 day vacation, but instead she had stayed home to work on this project, she knew how it important it was to the business. She gave them a big smile then sat down. He looked at her waiting for her to acknowledge him, to say any thing about his part in this. About his research, the hours he put into this. He would have to talk to her about this over dinner,
He had to get back to his own work, he sat there all day waiting for her to call and talk to him about their dinner plans. He had waited long enough and called her desk.
"What time are we to meet for dinner?" He said.
"What? Who is this?"
"I am holding your note, you said that we were to have a big night out tonight, that you owed me dinner."
"Oh, after my presentation, the big boss asked me out to dinner, I see a new office in my future, so if you feel the need to talk to me call my secretary.” She gave a big braying laugh.
Chapter 3 Who's There?
He was shaking, his anger was bubbling up into his mind like lava. Flashes of other laughter filled him. He was seeing red. Was he or was it a memory? He was forgetting where he was. He was dazed.
"Whooo's there?” She said just before she fell to the floor. She never heard the whispering answer of,"it's me my love."
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Poem on Thursday
They All Bow Down
They all bow down for the Queens passing.
They have paved the way with pine needles and leaves to soften her approach.
They reach out to touch her , they tug at her hair, they snag her sleeve.
They get overjoyed by her presences that they grab at her stomach , face,
Legs, and even her back.
When she get back to her castle and undresses for her bath, She sees
Where her subjects had touched her with their willowy branches.
The bruise on her right calf was a small token from a broken limb .
That she had raced by in such a hurry that she didn't see it reaching out.
The Queen promised herself not to ride so close to her subjects again.
Oh and to start carrying clippers.
"Ode to all my Quad and dirt bike loving friends"
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Poem on Thursday
Never A Waste Of Time.
I have often thought about you all day long.
I have spent many a night dreaming about you.
I have never once thought of it as a waste of my time.
I have spent many a hours writing poems " Ode to you".
I have wandered a many a path following a vision of you.
I have never thought one written word or one step a waste of my time.
I have spent many a years of heartbeats loving you,
I have taken in breath after breath breathing in the essence of you.
I know not of one heartbeat ,one breath was ever a waste .
I shall live by your side all of my life.
I know if this is all I have to offer you.
I know that it will never have been a waste of my time.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Chatting Over Coffee Friday
Hello all, So this past Tuesday was Valentine day, did you get your box of chocolates? I did not. My husband and I haven't done the Valentine thing in a really long time. I am that kind of person who wants to be treated like the Queen ( I say queen , but I found out a few years ago that alas I am not the Queen , but just the court jester. I know that one of my friends out there will understand what I mean). Anyway the Queen that I am, everyday. So I say yes to Chocolates everyday.
In about the 5th grade I became a cynic when came to Valentines day. I remember this boy in school , whom I thought was cuter then Bobby Sherman and Davy Jones. I had a huge crush on him . Well he stopped by my desk and dropped a envelope in my heart shaped mailbox. Made out of two paper plates in arts and crafts. I just knew that it was special just for me card. After he walked by I grabbed that card out of there as fast as I could and there on the front of the envelope was my name neatly printed there. I very gently tore opened that envelope as not to rip it. And there inside was the card. I pulled it out and there were great big old hearts on it saying in big letters, " BE MINE" . I knew it it was official he loved me. I flipped the card over and sure enough it said to Jerrilyn , From "THE BOY". I stuck my hand in the envelope and pulled out a pepto bismol pink colored candy heart with the words "BE MINE".
He was making sure I knew what he meant. I lifted the lid on my desk opened and grabbed out my #2 pencil, a piece of paper and started the " do you want to be my boyfriend ? Check yes or no letter. When my best friend came over to me and said " Look what THE BOY put in her mail box. I just knew that it could not equal my valentine. I looked and it was. It was the exact same card he give me, right down to the pepto bismol pink candy that said be mine.
Oh how crushed I felt , I wanted to cry. I wanted to rip that card up. Every girl in 5th grade got the very same card as I. I didn't cry that would give the snooty girls in class a reason to pick my bones like the vultures they were. ( another story , for another day).
I just took that card and walked over to the trash and threw it away, along with the pink heart. I took the letter home and threw that in the wood stove, couldn't take the chance of any one finding that.
I learned a lesson that day about the heart of a 5 Th grader, we mend fairly fast. But to this day pepto bismol makes me throw up to take it.
So now the other part of my news.
I got up last week and went into the bathroom like I always do and grabbed my toothbrush , put the toothpaste on brushed my teeth, rinsed off the toothbrush, looked at it added toothpaste and brushed my teeth again. Then I stopped and it came to me, that I had just brushed my teeth and forgot that I did. Wow can I be losing it. I thought for a minute and put it down to not being fully awake yet. Then the weekend came , I went no where, which was a good thing cause I forgot to brush my hair. So this past Wednesday I had to go to my Docs and pick up my medicine. I was sitting on my footstool at the end of my bed and said to myself I will wear my tennis shoes cause the weather wasn't bad. (just cold). Put my socks on, then my shoes, made sure left was left and right was right, tied them stood up , looked in the mirror and it took me a minute to figure out what was wrong with this look," I FORGOT TO PUT MY JEANS ON FIRST. " So off came the shoes, on went the pants, and I put my Crocs on cause I wasn't going to retie my shoes. I spent yesterday in bed, waiting for my brain to come back from vacation. It must have while I was sleeping , because this morning every thing seems to be going good so far.
So on that note I will finish off with wishing you all a great weekend.
Till my next talking , Peace and Happiness.
In about the 5th grade I became a cynic when came to Valentines day. I remember this boy in school , whom I thought was cuter then Bobby Sherman and Davy Jones. I had a huge crush on him . Well he stopped by my desk and dropped a envelope in my heart shaped mailbox. Made out of two paper plates in arts and crafts. I just knew that it was special just for me card. After he walked by I grabbed that card out of there as fast as I could and there on the front of the envelope was my name neatly printed there. I very gently tore opened that envelope as not to rip it. And there inside was the card. I pulled it out and there were great big old hearts on it saying in big letters, " BE MINE" . I knew it it was official he loved me. I flipped the card over and sure enough it said to Jerrilyn , From "THE BOY". I stuck my hand in the envelope and pulled out a pepto bismol pink colored candy heart with the words "BE MINE".
He was making sure I knew what he meant. I lifted the lid on my desk opened and grabbed out my #2 pencil, a piece of paper and started the " do you want to be my boyfriend ? Check yes or no letter. When my best friend came over to me and said " Look what THE BOY put in her mail box. I just knew that it could not equal my valentine. I looked and it was. It was the exact same card he give me, right down to the pepto bismol pink candy that said be mine.
Oh how crushed I felt , I wanted to cry. I wanted to rip that card up. Every girl in 5th grade got the very same card as I. I didn't cry that would give the snooty girls in class a reason to pick my bones like the vultures they were. ( another story , for another day).
I just took that card and walked over to the trash and threw it away, along with the pink heart. I took the letter home and threw that in the wood stove, couldn't take the chance of any one finding that.
I learned a lesson that day about the heart of a 5 Th grader, we mend fairly fast. But to this day pepto bismol makes me throw up to take it.
So now the other part of my news.
I got up last week and went into the bathroom like I always do and grabbed my toothbrush , put the toothpaste on brushed my teeth, rinsed off the toothbrush, looked at it added toothpaste and brushed my teeth again. Then I stopped and it came to me, that I had just brushed my teeth and forgot that I did. Wow can I be losing it. I thought for a minute and put it down to not being fully awake yet. Then the weekend came , I went no where, which was a good thing cause I forgot to brush my hair. So this past Wednesday I had to go to my Docs and pick up my medicine. I was sitting on my footstool at the end of my bed and said to myself I will wear my tennis shoes cause the weather wasn't bad. (just cold). Put my socks on, then my shoes, made sure left was left and right was right, tied them stood up , looked in the mirror and it took me a minute to figure out what was wrong with this look," I FORGOT TO PUT MY JEANS ON FIRST. " So off came the shoes, on went the pants, and I put my Crocs on cause I wasn't going to retie my shoes. I spent yesterday in bed, waiting for my brain to come back from vacation. It must have while I was sleeping , because this morning every thing seems to be going good so far.
So on that note I will finish off with wishing you all a great weekend.
Till my next talking , Peace and Happiness.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Chatting Over Coffee Friday/ A memory
To you a broom , To me a trusty steed.
Last night when I couldn't fall asleep , with all these thoughts running through my mind.{ Why they don't run through in the day when I have nothing to do , I will never understand.} I thought of all the gifts I have received over my fifty years Only a hand few stand out. One was my dog Annie. Marty got her for me over twenty years ago. Oh how I loved that dog. Thinking about her made me want to cry , so I quickly changed that thought, to my horse my parents got me when I was 11 years old. I rode that horse everyday, every where I went I was on horse back. My friend Kathleen also had a horse , so every week I was able too, we were riding the Chisom trail, the Rio Bravo, The great divide. Remember I was only 11 so really we never really left Pilot Hill area, but in our minds it was a vast desert, a rocky mountain , a raging river.
Then my thoughts changed to remembering my stick horses. I never had one of those sticks with a horses head on it, mine was always my moms worn out straw broom. The straw part was the tail and the the end that hung up on the wall was where I looped my reins through. By the power of MAGIC , my broom was my trusty steed. I would jump on that horse and away I would go, there was never a creek too wide we couldn't jump or a hill to steep .That stick horse took me to any where my imagination could think to go. We out rode the cowboys chasing us , the sheriff, and we always caught the bad guys. Some times I was lucky enough to have a pack mule name Broken Hoe. I would ride off into the wilds and find more gold then my old broken hoe mule could carry.
I would sneak my Trusty Steed into the camping gear when ever I could, so that at least I would have a horse to ride. Sometimes I had to use my backup horse called " My Mind" , when my mom would find my Trusty Steed and unpack it.Some times I think they knew it was there and let me bring him anyway. Yes all my stick horses were wild stallions. I had to break in myself. Sometimes when I got back from camping trips I would find that my horse suffered a broken leg, and had to be put down. Oh the horror of it. I would be stuck riding the mule. But soon enough I would come home from school and find I new Trusty Steed for me. Joy again and I was off onto a another adventure.
My brothers had stopped making fun of me , long before I retired my last trusty steed, and sometimes they would join me in robbing the stage coach. Or hanging my little brother after a long horse chase. { I got a great story about hanging my little brother J, but that's for another time}. When I got my real horse Coco it was time to put my Trusty Steed out to pasture. I will never forget the fun I had or the places I rode to , even if they were only in the pastures behind the house, and the occasional trip to Nevada , Arizona deserts.
Wow crazy night thought that keep me awake are sometime a welcome memory of a friend from the past.
P.S. shortly after this photo was taken , my mom took back my steed and it became a broom again.
But for a moment there it was my Trusty Steed..
Well that's it for the days Catting over coffee. Maybe next time I would will tell you about my dancing teacher, " MOP' Pet".
Till my next talking, Peace and Happiness.
Tanta Opa.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
New Year/Chatting over Coffee.
Happy New Year. Okay wow 2012 , can not believe that there are no flying cars and houses on the moon, , like we talked about in 6 grade , which was in 1972. Amazing I remembered that far back.Do you remember those talks in science class? I did look forward to the flying cars, so a little disappointed in that .
I am glad that 2011 is over that was a hard year, lots of first for me, my best friend in June had been a first, and another in July , August , Sept, Oct, Nov. We should be celebrating their birthdays , not marking off a year of their passing. Stilling missing therm in the new year, out of our daily lives , but never out of out hearts.
My mom in November has been living with us for a year now. We are surviving each other. Also in November my little nephew turner one, what a little cutie he is. (Bully). Also in August of 2011 my husband had surgery. Laid off of work again. . Mom was in hospital for 3 days in July. I find out I wasn't getting enough medicine that's why my hair was falling out and I wanted to sleep all the time, so they upped my thyroid medicine .
We also had good stuff happen in 2011 , My husband and mom are fine , had a nice visit with my nephew Jason, and our friend Randy came up for a visit , Nice seeing him again, it had been awhile. Reconnected with a couple of friends. Mailed some letters to you. MY HAIR STOPPED FALLING OUT AND GREW BACK SOME!!!!"
Did you make the ol new year promises to yourself this year? You know the lose weight , eat healthy, run 10 miles a day , quit smoking, take up skydiving. Well I did , the first time in many years .
So this year I will finish all of my old projects, beading , quilting, panting,crocheting. I will read more not just the time fillers, but some thing to educate the mind , I will spend more time talking to clouds. I have a friend who lives there. I also know a young lady who also might like to learn to do some bead work, her mom and sister might like to learn too so maybe they will make some time for me.. I am also going to go back to the gun range and hone my skills. I love to shoot.
I will keep you all posted on my new year to do.
If I don;t do but one or two of these thing , the one thing I will do is have more " FUN" . On my facebook page , I wrote one of those little things that is passed around on there , it was if we went to jail, what are the three words you would say to me? My friend Katie wrote, that was fun. Thank you Katie for the reminder.
Lets always have fun, include it in your day at least once, laugh till it hurts.
Well that's its for now my friends, REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN.
Till my next talking, Peace and Happiness.
I am glad that 2011 is over that was a hard year, lots of first for me, my best friend in June had been a first, and another in July , August , Sept, Oct, Nov. We should be celebrating their birthdays , not marking off a year of their passing. Stilling missing therm in the new year, out of our daily lives , but never out of out hearts.
My mom in November has been living with us for a year now. We are surviving each other. Also in November my little nephew turner one, what a little cutie he is. (Bully). Also in August of 2011 my husband had surgery. Laid off of work again. . Mom was in hospital for 3 days in July. I find out I wasn't getting enough medicine that's why my hair was falling out and I wanted to sleep all the time, so they upped my thyroid medicine .
We also had good stuff happen in 2011 , My husband and mom are fine , had a nice visit with my nephew Jason, and our friend Randy came up for a visit , Nice seeing him again, it had been awhile. Reconnected with a couple of friends. Mailed some letters to you. MY HAIR STOPPED FALLING OUT AND GREW BACK SOME!!!!"
Did you make the ol new year promises to yourself this year? You know the lose weight , eat healthy, run 10 miles a day , quit smoking, take up skydiving. Well I did , the first time in many years .
So this year I will finish all of my old projects, beading , quilting, panting,crocheting. I will read more not just the time fillers, but some thing to educate the mind , I will spend more time talking to clouds. I have a friend who lives there. I also know a young lady who also might like to learn to do some bead work, her mom and sister might like to learn too so maybe they will make some time for me.. I am also going to go back to the gun range and hone my skills. I love to shoot.
I will keep you all posted on my new year to do.
If I don;t do but one or two of these thing , the one thing I will do is have more " FUN" . On my facebook page , I wrote one of those little things that is passed around on there , it was if we went to jail, what are the three words you would say to me? My friend Katie wrote, that was fun. Thank you Katie for the reminder.
Lets always have fun, include it in your day at least once, laugh till it hurts.
Well that's its for now my friends, REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN.
Till my next talking, Peace and Happiness.
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